i am new here! we are about to start the stepparent adoption process. i have been the only mom my stepson has ever known and was recently asked by his bio mom if i wanted to adopt him (crazy, i know!!). I have been in contact with a lady from the local courthouse and have gotten all of the paperwork we are supposed to fill out. the lady from the courthouse said i will file the paperwork including consent from biomom and then it will go to the judge who will review it and set a hearing. i'm under the impression that this will be a fairly quick and simple process. the bio mom is more than willing to consent and neither one of us are asking for any specail conditions. Does all of this sound about right? i have seen in others posts about home studies and interviews...none of this has been mentioned in our situation. is it normal to forego those things in our kind of sitaution? any input would help! the bio mom is ready to proceed at warp speed which is great with us, i just have questions! thank you!!!
More often then not, if consent is given, it is a quick and easy exchange. If consent is not given, then they order the home study to see if the child is in a secure and stable environment. You are actually pretty lucky that she is willing to give you the rights so quickly. Most people spend a lot of time fighting to get the bio parent's rights.
it is sad to say but he is a just a bill to her at this point. she has moved on and has another family now and refuses to help take care of him. she says she wants me to adopt him becuase i'm the only mom he's known and he doesnt have any interest in a relationship with her,but its more because she's realizing what an impact the child support and back pay can have on her. well, whatever her reasons are i know in my heart that this is what is best for him and i am excited to adopt him. thank you for your feedback!