Anyone know if it is possible to have USCIS approval to adopt from 2 countries at the same time? I thought I had seen some people with a dossier waiting in China, but because of the length of wait a dossier in another country too.
Just wondering if this is possible, if both countries have to be Hague countries, or you can do one of each at the same time, and how you go about getting USCIS approval for that?
We did an interim adoption from Vietnam after we logged in to China & the wait there more than quadrupled. My understanding is that while you can have dossiers in more than one country, you can only have USCIS approval for one country at a time. In our case our original approval was for China and we switched it to Vietnam. Now we have to reapply for USCIS approval for China (we're still okay with the CCAA though and our LID has not changed). I do not believe that both countries have to be Hague countries -- we originally filed an I-600 because at the time we started the U.S. was NOT a Hague country even though China was, we were able to use the I-600 for Vietnam because Vietnam is not a Hague country yet. Now that we have to re-apply for USCIS approval for China though we will have to use the I-800 because we've already used the I-600 and now the U.S. & China are both Hague countries. Clear as mud, right?