should i contact her,and how is the best way?she is on social sites,i found her that way.her mom is not returning e-mails i sent months ago.would it bo ok to contact tru her sites?today is very stressfull for me now.i know her full name and the town she lives in
I would say it would be okay to go through the sites. Does she know she was adopted? Do you know if her mother has contacted her? Not that the answers would really make a difference in how you reach out to her... I don't think it really matters especially to younger people whether it's phone, letters, text , email, etc. It's all "talking" Benefit of goeing through MySpace; Facebook, etc is that it goes directly to her. And she's 18 now so I say go for it! [BTW - i sent my site addresses to my daughter's parents and also sent her bdad's page. He doesn't know cause we haven't spoken but three or four times in 11 years]
Hey there,
Facebook and Myspace seem to be popular with the "approaching 20 and the 20's" set. Maybe that would be a way to go.
Though you are going to have to weigh it out whether or not she knows. It could be her parents didn't tell her.
Perhaps going on to the adoptee site on this forum and getting their advice on how to approach this might be valuable for you too.
It never hurts to have a few opinions to think over, right?
I wish you peace in whatever you decide.
Kindest regards,
Any updates yet??? I feel your pain bro. Im just hoping that the attorney that i am in contact with, will be allowed to give me his name. All i have is what i was told by my cousin what might be his name, im not sure other then asking for it (which i did today, keep your fingers crossed for me) if it would be something i could find out on my own. Im hoping you guys got in touch and it is working out okay. I have so many questions and with mine coming up on his 18th bday, i find it hard to sleep some days.
well,i sent message to her facebook and it was her! and she had been searching for us since she was 12,but it turns out that she didnt have the fairy tale life she was supposed to have,her parents divorced when she was 9, and she had to call police on her parents several times for them fighting,and then she said she was molested. we could have provided more for her then what she ended up having,and i tell you im pissed off about it and cant wait till i get to meet her parents again.apparently there whole life story was a lie.just goes to show you that money can get you whatever you want AT THE TIME! but im trying to get to know my daughter now and she is 5 months pregnate and living with her grandparents again, they basically raised her for many years, i trully want to meet them and thank them for some form of normal in her life, she looks exactly like i thought she would look like beautifull! we live about 3 hours from each other and are planning to meet again in another month . well thats pretty much my story, thanks to all for the encourangment in early stages of searching for her.and good luck on all your own searches and reunions
well,i sent message to her facebook and it was her! and she had been searching for us since she was 12,but it turns out that she didnt have the fairy tale life she was supposed to have,her parents divorced when she was 9, and she had to call police on her parents several times for them fighting,and then she said she was molested. we could have provided more for her then what she ended up having,and i tell you im pissed off about it and cant wait till i get to meet her parents again.apparently there whole life story was a lie.just goes to show you that money can get you whatever you want AT THE TIME! but im trying to get to know my daughter now and she is 5 months pregnate and living with her grandparents again, they basically raised her for many years, i trully want to meet them and thank them for some form of normal in her life, she looks exactly like i thought she would look like beautifull! we live about 3 hours from each other and are planning to meet again in another month . well thats pretty much my story, thanks to all for the encourangment in early stages of searching for her.and good luck on all your own searches and reunions