I was born May of 1969 at St. John's Mercy in St. Louis, MO. My adoption through Catholic Charities. Birth Mother was a senior in nursing school at the time and 30 years old. Birth Father was 28 and had some military training. Looking for medical records, help through a third party is welcome. Records are sealed.
I am a reunited adoptee. I live in MO not far from the hospital where you were born. I actually deliverd my first child there. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do to help you search but let me know.
Thank you for the offer, I think I am at a standstill at this point. According to Cath. Char. they can do a search but no promises. I am waiting to get enough money for the search and then the nerve to get my parents to sign the paper for permission for me to search. They are of the thinking that adoption records should be closed. The age of both of my birthparents would be 68 and 70 so chances that they would welcome questions about medical etc. is very slim and of the generation that might take that secret with them. I have left contact info on many boards and with CC in case some later generation might find out about me and be willing to help, but chances are slim. Thanks again for the offer.