Hi Everyone,
I am writing a book about, more like a compilation of stories, that explain how children are told of thier adoption. I have collected many wonderful stories from people across the country and was hoping that my forum friends could add their stories too!. I know that some of you (just like me) have not explained this to your child yet. This is exactly one of the purposes of this book, to enlighten others how they explained to thier child about adoption. But for those who have experienced this moment, or many moments (because I know this is not just a one time conversation) and you would like to share, please email me at All names will be changed. I am interested in your story only and do not want to get involved in breaching any privacy issues. Of course, you can include your name when you email me, but it will not be include/revealed in any publication,, should this become published. Okay, now I am rambling. Thanks for your help if you choose to participate.