We're currently considering a sibling group of four. They are 15, 13, 11 and 4, with no real identified issues. I'm very close to my co-workers and I thought I'd share some of my excitement with them. Their response - the whole lot of them told me I was crazy. :rolleyes:
Well... someone has to be.
I think you are only crazy if you don't follow the Spirit. Good luck!
I see you are being considered for several different kids. How did that come to pass? Are they local or photolistings from out of state?
Of course you are crazy! LOL! Gotta be just a little to have 4 kids at once, right?
Jeannine - one is through our local agency, and the other three we applied for at our province's adoption day last month.
Crick - :D That's what I told them.
I just gotta say "Go for it!" I do not think you are crazy at all! I wish that was me. We just finished our homestudy yesterday and it went well. Hoping to be able to report something good like this in the future!
We had submitted our home study for two siblings groups, four siblings each. Ya, I get the "are you crazy?" line a lot. lol
We are waiting for ICPC on our sib group of 4. We have 5 at home. We get the same question all the time. We always say Yes!
God knows how to send encouragement! My wife and I attended an adoption gathering with the thought of a group of two being our max. We met a beautiful group of three and are now hoping we will be considered a match. We already have 2 bio daughters. We are hearing the same talk about being crazy. I just tell people we are crazy about each other and our kids.
I think you guys are great for wanting to take in these children. If it wasn't for us "crazy" people these children would not have loving homes. I have a sibling group of 4 which are now pre-adoptive so I understand. Splitting them up is not an option!