so my son had been so EASY for a long time....I thought that we were done with the "terrible" days. About a week ago, he started bossing me around like crazy and crying every time he didn't get his way. For example, this morning I went to the bathroom. He didn't want me to go so he followed me in there and started crying that he wanted me to go in a different bathroom.....Pretty much he is like this for a good part of the day.....just one little thing after the next. PLEASE HELP!!!!
I hear you!! My DD#1 had been easy lately, no major tantrums... Until this past weekend... She had one that lasted close to 1.5 hours because she "wanted her wet diaper".... (yes, we are still potty training). That was what she yelled for the entire time. Then it turned into "I want Jelly beans" and if she thought she was getting candy after the tantrum, she really was nuts!!!:hissy: :hissy: :hissy: I was running around shutting the windows so people did not hear her yelling and call the cops on us.... This morning, she wanted an overnight diaper when DH was trying to put on underwear... I could hear the freak out starting!! I ran out to work before it was resolved, but it did stand the chance to ruin the rest of the day... Bye honey!!:eyebrows: Mega
Well I guess I'm in for it, DD is only 2 and has been going at it like that for awhile. With her it seems that there's something going on that doesn't occur to me. Right now she has moved up to the 2 year old room at school losing her favorite teacher, her new teacher was on vacation the first week, and DH has been leaving for work before she wakes up. I didn't think we'd make it through last week.
Over the weekend we just tried to take it easy. I wanted to go do something different but realized she had already been doing something different all week and probably didn't need anymore stress. She was FULL of new words and tricks all weekend (used the potty 8 times, took her first shower, washed her own hair, sang happy birthday). I finally realized that now she's not the oldest in the class anymore but the youngest and the new stuff is probably overwhelming.
Isn't it funny how it can ruin your day and yet 10 minutes after it's over they don't even know what you're talking about.
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