To ban someone, you go here to the mod panel. Otherwise known as the blue screen.
Password is whatever you use to log in with normally.
Once in there, you will see in the center of screen "Quick user finder". Enter the username. It will bring up anyone with similar names, so make sure you have the correct member. There are options to ban, change info on their MyPage, Siggy, avatar, & profile pic. So this is the short cut way to get to the options you need.
"Ban User". Click on that. It'll ask for the username, type of ban, length of ban, and reason. Click on the drop down arrow to select the appropriate ban.
A permanent ban is "Banned Users" and the length of time to choose is "never".
For reason you just put something simple. "Spam not allowed" "Solicitation is not allowed" etc. The email that goes to the member will NOT have your name or email address on it, as it goes through the site. If they email to complain, it comes to me.:)
If you need to give someone a break, you choose 24 hour or 72 hour. Then choose the appropriate time for the "lift ban after" (1 day, 3 days)
Typically the reason would be something like "you have been warned via pm about agency discussion". Keep it simple because when we do give a break, they get a pm to read after they get back on the site that explains in detail.
Spam users do NOT need a pm or a user note. Just delete and ban. Minor users also just get a delete and ban. (reason - "sorry, but our site is not open to minors)
Members getting a break for reasons of violating forum rules DO get a pm and user note.
Perma bans for forum usage violations other than spam/minor do not need a pm (can't view it) but you do need to put in a user note.
At the risk of making Kathy's head are a few more "ban" options you can do there.
Signature ban - the option is there to ban anyone from putting in a siggy at all. We only do this after we've deleted a siggy, pm'd them with reason and then they go in and put it in again.
PM ban - if a member is found having sent attacking pm's and we have proof from the one they attacked, we can also ban them from all pm's.
If you need to delete or edit a siggy, just go into their MyPage and take it out. You also delete and change avatar pictures in the MyPage. If you've wondered how the Avatar Fairies have done you know!;)
You cannot change usernames though so if you get those requests, those still need to be forwarded to me. more tip. When you do ban for spam, always check their signature as often they'll put in a link to their product. You'll want to delete that out so it's not visible.
What about crick? If I ban her and she bans me for 48 hours then maybe we can sneak back to the chocolate factory!
Nope, no can do.
*I* can ban her and I am here to tell you up front, I'm for sale - but I don't come cheap.
Although, I am giving some serious consideration to a ban for 4th of July for her...
What if we let you run away with us? We went to this chocolate cafe and had awesome coffee, and hot chocolate to die for and of course chocolate by the truckload. (they had some real food too, Crick had a bagel, but I just stuck with chocolate!)
I don't 'do' I'm likely not your girl. However, I have it on good authority that crick LOVES the stuff.
I thought I loved choco...then I watched Kburch practically inhale the stuff!
Yes, please ban me for the 4th of July...that would be awesome, thanks!!! LOL!