My FD has been in care since she was born because BM had 3 TPR'd in another state for child abuse and homelessness. In our state with this baby she is 7 months into her case plan, has attended parenting classes and has a job. She has no housing and both the CW and GAL report that she does not hold or feed the baby correctly. They say she has no maternal instincts and seems confused as to what to do with the baby during visits. I was informed that BM's therapist is asking the judge for unsupervised visits! The GAL and CW don't agree, and will express concerns but will go with whatever the judge decides. During supervised visits she is always late and sometimes forgets to go at all!
I don't know what to think. Does this mean that even though she is a convicted child abuser and does not handle the baby properly they are going to RU? Why would a therapist suggest this when it will put the child in danger? Does this mean that she will most likely be RU?