Hello everyone :) I am new to the group and new to adoption. I am in the process of a domestic adoption and getting ready to have a homestudy competed. The agency I am working with requires you to ask a few questions to three different adoptive parents about thier journey. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer these questions. I would greatly appreciate any help with this. You can just inbox me or email me at and I will send you the questions and you can just reply back with the answers. Thank you so much for anyones help in advance. How is everyone? May I ask how long everyone waited for thier child after your homestudy was complete? I am just anxious as I am sure you all are or have been :)
our homestudy was final in July and we were matched in December, daughter born in February. We switched agenices in the middle though, so once we signed on with a facilitator in November it went real quick. I'd be happy to answer your questions, send to
We didn't adopt privately, but through the foster system. Our homestudy was completed in December and we were matched the following October. We'd been considered for several different children during that time, though, so it was a roller coaster of emotions. Getting our hopes up, then having them dashed, then getting them up again...and not being matched.... LOL We survived, but it was NOT easy!
Our first adoption: Home study approved Dec 2001
Matched Oct 2004----DD born Dec 2004
Second adoption Home study approved May 2007
Matched Nov 2007---DS born Jan 2008
If you still need someone to answer questions PM me.