I am about to start Floortime with my 5.5 yo boy who has mild ASD. I got the book from the library and it ]I'm still at the beginning but so far it seems very complicated. I think he'll do really well but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and daunted. Has anyone done floortime with their child? Does the book alone really prepare you to do this? And is there really time between school and other therapies to do it right?
We use a combo of therapies for my son. Floortime is one strategy. For us that has been the most uncomplicated of our therapies.
I've used Floortime with several of the ASD kids I've worked with, and have very limited training. I got my training (45 hours) through our Early Intervention program, since I didn't have a child in the program I had to pay, a total of $15 per course. Check with your EI program & see if there are any classes available in your area. I also found a Floortime Consultant in the area & did a training with her, it was helpful to brainstorm with her but didn't feel that she offered much in the way of new material. I'm considering taking Greenspan's online course. I don't think just reading the book would have worked for me, I need to see it in action. They have some great videos available, but for the financially challenged among us hit Youtube.
There's a lot of "pieces" to consider, but it's not as complicated as it may sound--and you can't mess up. You'll hit some bumps at first, but nothing impossible, and you'll learn more as you go along.
If you go into it thinking you're going to have to do several dozen 15 minute sessions per day, you'll burn out fast. The thing to remember (just got "educated" by a member on another list, and I love her viewpoint) is Floortime isn't "just" a therapy, it's a way of thinking. You may only do a few "official" Floortime therapy sessions a day, but it can be integrated into everything you do with your child.
If I can be of help let me know. I'm toying around with the idea of going into consultation myself.