We are in the process of becoming foster parents to three medically fragile children including a five year old boy who was in a car accident and is quadriplegic and vent dependent. He is full care and will be requiring nursing care in addition to his therapies which means he will need some sort of adjustable bed to accommodate his needs and the different sizes of the nurses. We know we have to have beds (cribs for the twins if we get them) etc. in order to be licensed, but for him he would need a medical bed. We are specifically doing medically fragile so it would be something we will need to have anyway, even if we don't get him. We have one we want that is approved by Medicaid for payment but it would be his if Medicaid pays for it, right? Would I have to purchase a medical bed myself in order to have it when he comes? Does this question make any sense?
If it were me, I wouldn't go out and purchase a medical bed just yet. From what I can read in your message it sounds like this isn't a done deal yet. Actually, none of our fc are a sure thing until they are actually in our home.
Yes, I believe this would go under his Medicaid. If that is a correct statement, getting reimbursed from Medicaid for a bed you already purchased will be very difficult. You should get reimbursed but it will be a slow process and lots of headaches for you.
I would ask my agency or CPS how much heads up they will give you so that you have the proper medical equipment set up before the children arrived. I would think in this type of situation, they would need to give you some notice. Or, maybe they have a way for you to get emergency medical equipment if they can't give you much notice.
Also if it a bed that you want to keep you can look into some of the places that loan medical equipment or they let you buy it at a discouted price. In WNC we have a place called Suzies closet and a few other avenues. Check around, make some calls, google it, hopefully there will be something closer to you.
Thanks ladies. Well, update: The little boy is currently in a placement out of the county and supposedly foster mom is not so sure she wants to disrupt the placement. The little girl preemie has had a major setback yesterday and brother preemie had a minor one last week. Looks like an extended PICU stay for both of them. I may not get any of them, but I will stay positive. I'm not even licensed yet.
I don't think so there is a particular time for medical equipment. In hospitals you must have <a href="">Medical Equipment</a> so that you no patient will lack for anything.
Last update on May 30, 11:07 pm by Alicia Helfan.