I was looking at my amended Baptism Certificate ( I believe it was birth mother who had me baptized ) It gave my adopted name along with my aparents name, the city & state of birth was said to be (not furnished) and gives my day of birth...The day of baptism and the Rev who did it... Now the sponsors name is stated however, this is nobody we know... My question is in 1965, if a birthmother did have the child baptized could they pick the sponsor (God parent) or was it just some random person?? I hope someone can help with this, because I dont think I would Trust a person in the church to answer this since 1965 and adoption is one big HUSH HUSH kinda thing...
Thanks guys for any help you can give me and to ALL good luck in your searches and reunions!
I cant say for sure but when I was searching on husbands 1965 bapt cert, I ran across something saying that it had to be a "real' person with a vested interest in child to be God parent because it was still taken very seriously.
Wish we could get a copy of his, they wont part with it at all.
I would not be too quick to believe anything written on a Catholic Baptism certificate(no offense to any Catholics. My Baptism certificate was completely falsified with a chrch embossed stamp to boot. Please PM me and I will explain as I do not feel comfortable posting openly.
When all I had was a Baptism certificate to go on(thinking the church would never lie) I was searching for a a fictious person even as far as an international search though I was born here in the US
eta my adoption was in 1956 so around the same time. Many things were covered up. Non id was about the only truthful information I recieved