I thought it might be useful to have this list of Polish words that our 3.5 year old was using. She didn't have a great command of Polish and we had to work with her to get her conversant, but these were the words it seemed she knew, just didn't have practice saying.
Hope it helps.
Oh and thanks to one of the earlier posters for shoo shoo. This was not in any of the dictionaries we had and turned out to be a very important word for a 3.5 year old.
Man, these take me back except my kids for whatever reason used the more "vulgar" terms for number 1 and number 2.
HA! Oh, Mom2 4 - no kidding! I was so blessed to have a fluent husband who was able to nip a lot of street vocabulary in the bud. We were always cringing when visiting relatives in Poland with the boys. One just never knew what was going to come out of their mouths next! Thankfully they were pretty understanding and supported us in teaching them what was appropriate and what wasn't.
The funny thing is they were in a religious orphanage and came there at really young ages. So we are still quite confused by the terms which I think were used at the children's home.