... and I rather enjoyed it! It was more interesting than I had imagined it would be, and the few CYS staff I have met have been quite impressive.
Best regards,
7brats - I know, I keep reading about you (the PA people naturally stick out for me) and about your wait. UGH!On an interesting note, the County folks told us upfront about how GREAT they are now (with the help of a special software) at finding family for the FC. And that this is really their push. And that it totally works.I am glad about this for the children's sake. But now I have to be really realistic about the loooong wait we have ahead of us. Especially since we want 0-4 boys/girls (though we will consider 8-12 girls, too, IF they have been in foster care recently, for an extended period of time, and have no documented violence or SA history). I have 2 bio girls, age 3 and 4.
Some days are better then others, this weekend was hard because it has been 7 months now. We are open to any race,gender up to the age of 11 and it is so hard right now because we are told that most of the children coming in are over 13 with severe issues.We are hopeful however that something will happen soon.
My agency also works with York County, they are one of my favorites but I guess for right now its slow everywhere.
Keep me posted on your journey, and welcome :cheer:
my husband and i have one more training class (first aid):cheer: and then we do the personal interviews and homestudy. then we will be joining the wait.:( we are interested in single children or sibling groups up to 4 children, hopefully under the age of 7 but considering up to age 9. i hope the wait won't be to long, it is hard to get excited about the end of classes when you don't know what is going to happen next. :confused: i think the wait for us will be hard just because we currently don't have any children, so all we will be thinking about is... i hope the phone rings soon! and i hope our children will be here soon!