we are considering adopted older kids (in late teens) who are close to "aging out" of the system. i would love to hear your stories... good, bad. I'm curious to hear how you felt about being adopted at that age, how you related with your adoptive parents, your experience after turning the magic "18"... did you go to college, find work, return to biological family...? and what would you want us to know as prospective adoptive parents? what do you wish your adoptive parents had known or understood before you came to them? and whatever other questions i am not thinking of asking. thank you!
(sorry if this isn't the right section for this post... if so, feel free to point me in the right direction!)
hey, I was not adopted as a teenager, but my husband and I also are considering adopting teens aging out of the system in the future. We are waiting until his children are out of the house, so it is going to a while.
I also wonder all the same things you do.
I figure even if these children never consider us their "parents" they will always have someone to remember their birthdays, home to go to for the holidays, and just general support as they find themselves in adulthood.