So I thought this would be easier the second time around but I was wrong. I was planning to do the regular protocol but we got "the call" last week and now I don't have time for any protocol. I started taking the dom and pumping on Sat. I am pumping every two hours during the day and once at night. Yesterday I had three drops early in the day and then nothing. I am frustrated because I thought my milk came in faster last time. Does anyone have an advice?
When you dont take the protocol, I think it is slower to "start up". I am not sure though, as this is my first time and I did the accelerated protocol.
I have heard suggestions of doing the accelerated protocol even with a quick match. I believe your supply will increase faster in the end.
Is that possible to do?
How much Dom are you taking? I'm on 120mg a day and that's working great for me (but I also pumped almost 7 months before he came home...). I know a mom on 190 mg/day to BF the baby she gave birth to. If you're taking 40 or 80 I'd bump it up a bit, even if only temporarily. Also, what kind of pump are you using? Are you sure the flanges are big enough?
I bumped it to 90mg yesterday. That is what I took when I nursed my son but I also did the regular protocol and had four months to pump before he was born. This baby is due on Jan 18th. My husband says i just need to be more patient but that is not my strong suit... Right now I have both a lactina and a pump in style, I think they are acting about the same. Yes the flanges are big enough they seem to fitting the same as last time, although I do have some bigger ones on hand that I could try.
Do people really have good luck with fenugreek and blessed thistle? I took fenugreek for a while my first time around and didn't notice any difference when I stopped taking it, but maybe it was because my supply was strong.
COuld you go on BC for just a month? Then, as soon as baby is born or right before, go off and start pumping?
Megan, how are things going? We miss you around here!
Hows baby?