Hi I feel like I'm am a posting maniac here! lol!
How often is eveyone else pumping before the baby comes? Are you doing every 2-3 hours even in the middle of the night? I'm having a hard time keeping up with the pumping because I am working about 70 hours a week to pay for the adoption expenses. I try to pump as often as I can but I don't work at places that it is easy to take frequent 10 min breaks.
Just wondered what everyone else was doing.
With baby #1, I pumped as much as I could on days off, sometimes every hour and then 4-5 times a day on days I couldn't. I tried to never go more than 7 hours in one stretch no matter what, so usually pumped at least every 6 to be sure. With baby #2, it has been a bit more random. I sometimes pump during the night once, sometimes not at all. Depends on the night and do stretches where I do one or the other. Mostly, I don't pump at night, but I am nursing sometime during the last couple of hours before I get out of bed. I pump right before I go to bed for the night.
I also work where it isnt easy to go hide out to pump. I always pump when I get up and try for one more time before I go to work and then 2-3 more times before the end of the night. The least I have done is 3 but usually it is 4-5 times/day. I was doing nights at first but now I am not. We are matched and baby is due in March so I will start pumping at night sometime in Feb. I am being lazy right now!
I have found though that there really is no difference in production between 4-6 times/day. If it were consistent, maybe it would increase but randomly, I just seem to make up for missed times by producing more.