OK, now time for some light-hearted fun stuff. What films have made you laugh yourself silly?
Here are 12 of mine - totally goofy!
1. Life of Brian - the scene where the townspeople are convinced that Brian is the Messiah
2. Fawlty Towers - all of it
3. Mr. Bean - the scene where he's literally counting a poster of sheep to help him get to sleep
4. Pink Panther films (the ones with Peter Sellers in it - I particularly laughed in the one where he repeatedly tries to cross the moat to the castle)
5. The Wedding Singer - scene where Adam Sandler is singing, "Holiday"
6. Doctor Doolittle 1 - scene where the bear thinks he's had an out-of-body experience
7. Doctor Doolittle 2 - Chris Rock's voice overs just killed me!
8. The Simpsons - episode where the dog, Santa's Little Helper, has an out-of-body experience and enters the doggie door through the Pearly Gates. Episode where the 'Michael Jackson' character sings Billy Jean and does the moonwalk in his bathroom slippers
9. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World - totally goofy slapstick
10. Delicatessen - flood scene, totally bent humor
11. Analyse This - scene where DeNiro breaks down into sobs as Billy Crystal offers counselling during a shoot-out scene.
12. A Great Wall - hilarious cross-cultural humor
Defending Your Life...I've seen it dozens of times, and I always end up laughing so hard it hurts!
Funny Farm is another one that makes me laugh until my side hurts.
A bit off topic...but there is a website devoted to song lyrics that people hear wrong. I think it's called It's named after the Jimi Hendrix song that has the refrain, "Scuse me while I kiss the sky." Only thing is that a lot of people thought he was saying, "Scuse me while I kiss this guy!" If you ever want to laugh until you're blue in the face, just visit the website. :p
Faulty Towers has always been a fav.
Space Cowboys - I laugh, chuckle and also shed a few tears each time I watch it.
Kind regards,