Lord knows the teen pregnancy convo has been heated already, but now that manni has responded to Quantum by saying:
I just can't imagine it's going to get better right away. Personally? I didn't see Q attacking manni (though I could have my blinders on! I can admit that! :evilgrin:) I just know her passive agressive slaps against birthmoms are really upsetting some folks.
I've been on the thread just about all day, but any extra (and less biased) set of eyes is good. :)
I'm going to get OT here, some members feel it's "ok" for personal attacks when people don't agree with them ( I wonder if it's because of their triad status ) Regardless of your "status", it's no excuse for being rude! There have been many times I have "bitten" my tongue and let it slide.
It's not "rescue" really - it's the same group of people fighting about the same things over and over again. There are a small hand full of people who are about to get their walking papers and when I do it, it's going to make EVERYONE mad and I don't give a rats rear any more because I am sick of the toxicity they bring here. Their comments and posts make people fearful to respond and participate - making the site a haven for the toxic people and a turn off for everyone else.I'm at the point now where I'm done...and I also don't care if we lose people in the process - because quite frankly - sometimes you have to cut out some of the good flesh when you remove a tumor.
It's the same old story. Manni is outspoken on her less than stellar opinions on bmoms in general and there are a few bmoms that take every single thing she says as a personal attack against them. So they lash out. Then she gets all pious like "whaaatttt???" She knows she pushes buttons.Raven did it earlier in the thread, taking the teen daycare in high school comment way too personal and went off on the BSE is coming back and I'm shamed for life track that she always goes off on.Quantum was responding to it all but on topic, so was not an attack.But you cannot have Raven & Manni on the same thread without it going bad. Just never fails. Does that mean they should both be banned? Well, I don't know about that. I think they should be forced to put each other on ignore which is of course not feasible. So I don't really know what the answer is.
I don't either.....I mean, I know I've been sucked in by manni before. And I've certainly taken some things she said pretty personally (mostly a comment about birthmoms being unable to be good parents) and the PM exchange we had wasn't too pretty. But I'll give her credit - she knows how to stay JUST on the edge without being flat out bashing.
It just gets really hard to hear over and over again.
I know what you mean about Raven too....and yeah, she went off topic a bit with that, but I guess I didn't read it as attacking manni (or anyone else). But like I said, I might have blinders on. Maybe I'll go back and try to read through with a more open mind :)
Manni isn't allowed on the bparent forums for this very reason...her obvious dislike and hmph attitude regarding bmoms.I just don't think in this thread she did anything to warrant the level it went to (until after she got messed with, then she came out for sure!)If you look at what she said in the beginning of things, it was about the daycare for teens in schools and how she wouldn't support that. She also said she would not raise her grandchildren.So what, right? I mean, she has a right to that opinion. Raven came in with a mission to "take her on" and that's when the thread went south with them being snotty with each other. Interestingly enough though, the thread was back on track and things were fine until Quantum posted. I just read her last post and she put an awful lot of words in Manni's mouth that Manni never said. In fact, it sounds a lot like Raven's speech. So me thinks Raven & Quantum talked off site got all hot and etc.Then Manni comes back and pushes again in her ever so non attacking but you know exactly that she doesn't like you way.What name do we give this Soap Opera folks? lol.
Honestly - I think it's time for a few of the birth parents to be banned from the GAPS forum - we've banned a few aparents from the birth parents section for that reason (MamaS comes to mind as the kind of person who just skirts and stirs).I don't know what I am going to do - aside from enjoy my weekend...then revisit this on Monday :)
Yeah, I didn't really have a problem with Manni earlier....she annoyed me because of some of her positions, but that's her deal. Whatever.
As for banning bparents from the GAPS forum, it makes sense to me.
Only - and I really know there's nothing to do about/change this but just something I think about - it seems that the GAPS boards are also kind of the "common" boards, you know? Like catch-all adoption issues (and the everyday "what books are you reading??" stuff) are discussed there. On the bparent boards it's usually more bparent specific, kwim?
But yes, there needs to be some solution I suppose....
Ya I agree Christine. Brandy just hates people right now.;)I think we need to come up with an ignore situation and make it mandatory. So Manni & Raven cannot respond to each other on threads or they face bans. Something like that. Take the people causing the issue out of things and not punish everyone else.I wrote this and then left the window open without submitting. Brandy & I discussed on im, I went to open presents with Jacob, came back and of course she had found a way to do this in our system. LOL!So come Monday we'll hopefully have a "Forced Ignore" function to try out.:)
I have to admit that historically I avoid GAPS and only occasionally go there because often what is said bugs me. I normally just shrug my shoulders and move on, although, of course, when I suggest that, I incense people who feel that they should be able to go any where (they can) without being upset (not in this life!)