I've grown up my whole life knowing I was adopted and I have always been grateful for the wonderful chance at life that I was given. I have strived my entire life to make my birthmother proud of the choice she made, and make the most of my life because it truly is a gift that someone chose to give me. When I was a junior in highschool, I became a victim of rape and found out I was pregnant shortly after. I knew the moment I found out that I was pregnant that I had no other choice than to give my baby up for adoption. So thanks to my birthmother, she not only saved my life, but in a way, by choosing to give me up for adoption, she helped me make one of the most difficult, but important decisions in my entire life. Thanks mom, wherever you are. I love you very much, and think about you all the time. Hopefully, I can find you someday and thank you in person and tell you how much you mean to me.
My life has been beautiful and blessed so far, and I cannot wait to see what more the future holds for me. :D
Thank you for sharing your story. Your words are very encouraging. And I agree with parenting-over-40, your birthmother would be extremely proud.