DD5 is in Kindergarten this year and the play date requests have begun. We have done a few with kids that we know or live in our neighborhood. But how do you handle play date invites if you don't know the family? There are a few girls DD wants to invite over, however I know I would never allow her to go to their house so I feel like if I start play dates then they will reciprocate and I don't want to have to turn them down.
So..what do you do?
Not sure I can help as m son is not in Kindergarten yet. but knowing his personality and mine, he will not be doing "no momma" play dates anytime soon. I think if your daughter wants to have firends over, perhaps you could invite the moms/dads over too- especially the first few times. establish the ground rules for your house and then see if your daughter is invited over. if she is, explain that you would feel more comfortable coming over the first time or the first few times until you know that your daughter is OK without you. Offer to bring snack for you and the other parent/parents.
I think the best you can do, is invite them over with the parents and talk honestly about your parenting. My son is now 8 and I have gone through all that. I have families I trust, but a lot I don't. I have come to the conviction that there are so many poor things on tv, and video games and parents that allow its viewing that as parents we have to be dilligent. Many of my sons friends have open access to 10, teen and even MA video games for hours on end. I have been thinking it is better to make sure he has a few close friends that he can go to their house and that I enjoy as friends and stay outside with the rest.
He may not be able to be friends with some kids, but I would honestly rather not have the influence.
My daugther went to sleepover party with a school friend, against my better judgement -because I had never meet the family. She is 11. The girl talked openly about being molested by her uncle and him being in jail. ANother friend at school that I had called and talked to the mom openly and honestly - and had agreeed that she too liked to meet parents first etc. Turns out the girl is telling my daugther her step-dad slaps her and her grandma pulls her hair. MOre issues with other school friends like that. So many issues I never had to deal with as a child and my parents did not even think about. It is tough out there and finding close family friends is what I am starting to think is the best solution and activities for the kids.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
My son is turning 7 next month and the playdate thing is picking up...Usually I start chatting with the moms before school or at sporting events if I know my son likes a child who he wants to invite...Then maybe some tea during a play date and only if I know the parents well, their rules and house *** WELL AS the older brother, sister, and anyone else staying at the other kids house, will I allow my child to visit.
If it is some one I don't know , their child can come and play at my house first, I chat on the phone with the parent and tell them my rules, ect. I'm very honest and I tell them my fears and why I don't allow my child to play at strangers houses...that it's nothing personal, it's just our rules....So far so good!
The problem comes in when me and the mom gets on well and the kids don't ! :woohoo:
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for me I think its too risky to let my son to be invited or invite someone for play date. Anyways as of now I don't have much problem with that since my son is busy concerning about his face, he was looking for [URL=""]acne remedy[/URL] though I am not sure for whom is it.