hello, I am a college student working on my senior thesis about Adoption and Attachment. I'm conducting a survey among adoptees and non adoptees to collect data to support my project and I would be so appreciative if anyone is willing to take my survey.
The purpose of the research is to determine if individuals who are adopted are likely to have attachment styles similar to those of individuals who were raised by their biological parents. The survey should take only a few minutes. Just click on the link (or copy and paste it) if you would like to help me out Thank you!!
[url=]Adoption and Attachment Survey[/url]
I first learned about attachment theory when I took a class on it last year. I found it really interesting, so when it came time to choose my thesis topic I decided I would like to learn more about it. I had a friend who spent many years in the foster care system and saw her get bounced from place to place, be reunified with her birth mom then back into foster care etc. While learning about attachment theory I always wondered what effect multiple placements and the balance between foster families and biological families had on one’s ability to form attachments. As I developed my topic, I broadened it to include adoption. My thesis now has kind of 3 parts. It first discusses how the varied experiences prior to adoption (separation from biological family, abuse, neglect, foster care institutional care etc) affect ones attachment. The paper then talks about how children who have had some of these negative experiences prior to adoption can show catch-up inattachment relationships after the transition to their new families, depending on things like age of placement and the degree caregiver commitment. The last part discusses how adoption affects attachment relationships as an adult. Hope that answered your question!
I took the survey, but often i feel as though i'm an exception in terms of how i've interpreted my circumstances. If anything, i have the opposite feeling- not one of abandonment, but almost a carefree attitude toward letting people go. I guess as far as i am concerned, being adopted was a positive thing more than a negative- i gained a family! It's my birth-parents' loss. But i don't harbor any animosity, i feel that people make decisions in their lives and generally do what they feel is best.
I am actually in the process of doing a similar study. I was wondering how many responses you received via this website?
I am an adoptee and filled out your survey :)