Justanotherthought really didn't like my post because of the word "ONLY"? Huh.
At any rate, I've told her I'm not interested and whatever but just letting you all know. I expect I will irritate her with the last post but not sure why she has a bug up her butt to start with.
i don't get her at all.....when does not encouraging taking a pacifier away have to do with generalizing about sexual orientation and race. i'm totally confused.
Ooooooh! Now I have to go look!
I was checking email and saw that I had a PM and since I had been talking back and forth with someone earlier this morning, I assumed it was a reply from her. Then I see who it is from!
Just defending my 'admin friend.' ;)
See, now I feel left out and all...:hissy: I didn't get the nasty PM.
Dang Brandy, you just got up this morning and got your finger on the kill switch didn't ya?:D
I think it's a "don't mess with Brandy" kind of day, ain't it?
Now I'll never get my answer and it will haunt me for ever. I'll always wonder why the words "only comfort" mean a generalization of all foster kids and the comments people make about them. :evilgrin: I swear I see stupid people and they make my teeth itch!
LOL...aww thanks.
I don't think we'd be able to convince her of the truth which is that she is in the wrong and it was never a situation of ganging up on her or anything. Not worth trying either.
See, now I feel left out and all...:hissy: I didn't get the nasty PM.
Dang Brandy, you just got up this morning and got your finger on the kill switch didn't ya?:D
I think it's a "don't mess with Brandy" kind of day, ain't it?
Now I'll never get my answer and it will haunt me for ever. I'll always wonder why the words "only comfort" mean a generalization of all foster kids and the comments people make about them. :evilgrin: I swear I see stupid people and they make my teeth itch!
Snort...itchy teeth! LOL!
I can send you a nasty pm if you like. :evilgrin:
Btw...this is the pm. And if your teeth itched before Celia, this will make them worse because it doesn't make sense.
Sinced you and your friends were SOOO offended that I was HONEST and told you the truth PLEASE HAVE THEM DELETE MY ENTIRE POST AND MY WHOLE ACCOUNT!!! Sorry if you can't handle being called out!!!
Go Well!!!
Just to share the fun, here is mine.
really hate being censored just because I told the TRUTH about one of your admins. PLEASE JUST DELETE THE ENTIRE THREAD!!! Trust me I won't be back, I am SICKENED that you will let your admin friend Crick have her say, although I can not reply!!!
Good riddance to all of you!!!
I think someone is going to get a basket full of black jelly beans and no chocolate bunny for Easter with that attitude. :D
LOL! black coal easter basket indeed!
What's really funny? She DID have the last word and quoted Hope's post saying "yes, that's what I meant" and DID respond to my posts.
oh vey...
Boy, I tell you... look what you miss by spending Good Friday in church... two services down and one to go, btw.
Maybe we could arrange for a full size cross to be delivered to her. She wants to be a martyr, apparently.
Some of us LIKE the black jelly beans, thank you very much! I love licorice.
She'll be back. They always come back. (isn't that a line from a movie?)
Some of us LIKE the black jelly beans, thank you very much! I love licorice.
LOL! Well you can have some too. Just so you don't feel left out like with the PM's. ;)
She'll be back. They always come back. (isn't that a line from a movie?)
Maid in Manhattan (Though it is 'he' not she.') Ahhhh . . . isn't Google a wonderful thing?!
She'll be back. They always come back. (isn't that a line from a movie?)
no one can stay away from this is like a drug. you can bet that the day i get banned....i'll find a way back in. :evilgrin: