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Thread: SSI benefits
Our case is a little different, but may still apply. My adopted children's bio. father receives SSI for FAS and ADHD. The state actually applied for the children's benefits and kept it in a trust account for them. They notified us suddenly of the children's eligibility to receive benefits from their Dad's SSI claim. We applied at the local Social Security office to be their payees because they were in our care, bringing along the letter from DSHS stating the state wanted us to receive the benefits. They immediately granted this and the state sent us every dime they had held. They did not take out anything for support or anything owed to DSHS because it was the children's money/benefits, not the parent's. I believe the state will likely do the same in this situation, the child is not in the bio. Mom's care, so why should she get anything? It is the child's benefits, not the Mom's. I would call either Social Security or DSHS and straighten this out.
Also, the children continue to receive their benefit after the adoption. It is a small amount ($56 per child), as the Dad did not work long, but every little bit helps. All I had to do was take in the Adoption Decree and amended Birth Certificates to change their names.