hi ..i am new to this forum..i live in pa and have been licensed since jan of 2010//still no placements..i live in wayne county and i must say that the waiting is becoming very discouraging..we were offered a little girl age 7 with developmental delays which we agreed to ..still no placement..offered little boy age 4 with autism..we placement!! so glad for this forum//thanks for listening:thanks:
Hi and welcome. I felt the same way. My first placement I got before I was licensed.They stayed 6 months. Then for 13 PLUS months nothing. A few referrals here and there but nothing panned out.
Today almost makes 14 months but I am very hopeful as I am being looked at for an out of state sibling group and a single little girl.
Believe me I KNOW how u feel...but I know it will get better for you.
thanks for your support!! my agency does not do out of state adoptions :grr: which we just found out..we do not want to go thru all the paperwork again with another agency..i am an adoptive mom from fostercare in ny and have been a foster parent for many years in ny so i was not expecting this..thanks again!!
I began our process to adopt in May 2008 and am still waiting..we took our time getting our homestudy done and finally were approved fall 2008..we had many calls for babies, within days of being licensed but ironically we wanted kids aged 2-7 so we our in our age range are harder to find, finally 9 months later in JULY 2009 we agreed to take a 6 year old foster son..and though we loved him, we as a family agreed that fostering was not right for us at this time and then our agency asked that we take a break from things while DH and I were reconsidering ttc another the whole experience kind of left us wondering IF we would EVER find a child to was and still is very frustrating. Today, we still feel like we want to adopt so that hasn't changed....but are looking at considering broadening our ages...maybe...:eek: go as young as a baby up to age 9...don't get me wrong babies are great and I enjoyed the experience with my 2 older bio boys, but due to my kids ages, my and DH age we just felt better parenting a bit older now we sit and wonder do we switch things? Our second year homestudy will expire this December so we may just end up moving though waiting is hard for you..just know many are in your exact shoes..just try to advocate for yourself and know when to speak up when necessary. We are to the point now like you that our agency doesn't want us to go out of state..but after they heard we may go Internationally...they mentioned on their own the idea of going out of maybe there is some kind of hope that their attitude towards things have changed. You also have to decide how long you are willing to try the current avenue you are on...for us, I think we will stay a bit longer here, but then likely will seriously look at other options before just accepting that this may not be Gods will for us. Good Luck with everything, just know you are not alone and I pray soon, we all on this forum get our miracles, our answers and our children if that is what God wants. God Bless!