Hello we are in Florida and seeking to adopt in colombia. we got two bio girls but are unable to have more and we want a 3rd one between the ages of 2 and 5. We dont know a whole lot about adoption but we would love for some people to recommend REPUTABLE, ACCREDITED and AFFORDABLE agencies for adoption here in the U.S. to adopt through IBF or CASAS.
Also ONE big question we have is:
are all adoptions done through matches? is there a chance to visit a casa and see the kids? I am not sure I like about somebody trying to "match" us and is only logical to pick a kid what characteristics you think it might match you and your other kids.
Thank you!
All the agencies that are accredited are listed in this page: [url=]ICBF - Nuestros programas - Adopciones[/url]
In the same website, there is a pdf per agency with the costs related to using their services (Costos Procesos de Adopcion).
The process of adoptions in Colombia are done via referrals: the ICBF/Casa there selects your family as the best match for the child/children, and they let you know. It is up to you to accept or refuse the referral.
Good luck!
Hi Nancycs thanks for the reply. Im trying to find any info on alliance for children, adopolis and Bethany, even though Bethany fees seem substancially much higher than the rest of the agencies. Also all these companies would accomade Florida residents for the homestudy which is a plus! If anybody have any info on these 3 agencies I mentioned PM me pls!
One of the agencies you mentioned is our agency, and we love them!!! You can find the name in our blog.
Something that I forgot to mention about your big question: there are summer/Christmas programs where kids come to US. That is an opportunity to get to know them and pick if they will be a good fit for your family. Usually those are kids older than the age range you mentioned or some with special needs between 4-7 years. Ask the agencies you listed if you are interested in a program like this (I know at least one of them have a program like that).
BTW, if you are Colombian, the fees don't apply to you, and the process is quicker!