We started gymnastics today...
It was Pixie's first ever structured ANYTHING... that being said, she did fairly well. She didn't really "get" the whole waiting her turn piece yet, but she will.
Tucker did really well with the actual gymnastics portion... but when he had to wait in line or sit still it was very challenging (and loud). Any suggestions as to how to best help him understand that waiting and sitting are just part of the deal?
Hi Ath. :) I've been working with one of mine in particular about waiting their turn. At home I serve the kids in a different order for meals or whatever and make them wait their turn. With two maybe you could serve Pixie, then you, then Tucker. Switch it up whenever you have an opportunity to, and make it known that 'you are waiting your turn! That's great!' when you do it. (Even if the wait is 5 steps. :D)
social stories! I love them!
if he doesn't understand what "wait" means, add it into the language into your daily life so he can associate "wait" with "I will get a turn in a few seconds"
practice at home what they do in the class so it becomes routine for him.
sticker charts! let Pixie earn stickers and praise for waiting, let Tucker see and try to earn them too.
We also did it with games. Like a kind of simon says. We would sit and I would say wait, wait, wait, wait, then I would jump up and say, everyone jump up and down. Then I would say, now it's time to wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, now everyone eat an M&M. (if someone didn't wait, they don't get to do the next thing), then wait, etc then run to the other room. , then wait, the spin in a circle. Or I would have them wait while I put dinner on the table or while I did something and I would complement thier waiting and the one who was sitting and waiting nicely would get more complements and the occaisional hug or treat.