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shadow, I think it's not necessarily a need to control as much as a need to feel like we matter. I know my 2 have things given to them that I cannot change--Flowergirl's tiny stature, Bubba's, ummm, creativity with the language (yeah, we'll go with that!). I just want to know that somehow, they're mine too.
I see that in the changes they made after living with us for a few months--but really, that might be nurture bringing out nature~
For me, it stems from a desire to see myself in my kids. And really, I think everyone feels the need for that connection. The trick is in the balance of desire vs. fact. My kids will always have their looks, IQ potential, predisposition for physical and mental health from the ones who were blessed to create them. They will never, ever look like me. But I can influence their choices, teach them my moral code (and that one may just be nature, too) and love them as hard as I can. Maybe their actions will make folks say, "oh, I can tell by your actions just who your mama and daddy are."
And I hope that will be a good thing!