Amom had asked me if I was still in contact with bdad last year. I had 2 other kids with him after I gave up my daughter. I do know she doesn't want my daughter to meet (if they ever tell her) I wondering if this could be the reason why they pulled back from telling her because the eventual question would be about who her dad is. Amom knows he was abusive to me and treated me badly and has put my kids through hell and back and I understand why she would want to keep her from that in the future. I personally am nervous about her meeting him because he has nothing but bad things to say about me.
In the future when they tell her and she has questions about her father, what do I say? I would never bash him to her but he would love to relish in it. He never wanted her until after the adoption was final, we were not together. He throws in my face that HE never signed the papers but he never showed up in court to contest the adoption when he was served. In his mind I threw her away and he has never forgiven me for it. I know it would not be right to keep him from her but How do I shield her from his manipulation.
This is particularly difficult being since my adopted daughter (16) and my other daughter 14 are full sisters. I thought about talking to him (at least attempting to) about not trying to turn her against me if reuniting comes into play. Anyone had to deal with a bdad who holds you giving your child up against you and threatens to tell them bad things about you if given the opportunity?
I wouldn't talk to him about it. If he is that type of guy, then he may just be delighted that he has something that matters to you that he can hurt you with. If you currently do not have contact with him, I would leave it that way.
Do the aparents know who he is? The chances of her meeting him before you are slim. I would just be yourself, and when you meet you can honestly - without bashing - explain why you placed her for adoption, and why the relationship with him was unhealthy. If he is an abusive, manipulating guy, your adopted daughter will figure it out on her own pretty quickly, and will have the other two siblings to hear stories from.
And even if she hears unfavorable things about you... She will make her own judgements, based on who you are to her.
Good luck
I often wish I did not have contact with him. SInce I have kids with him its hard to not be. Though he is abusive and manipulative, my daughter sees him via rose colred glasses, she thinks he is a GOD, he has her brain washed. At the moment the only contact is phone calls, I stopped visitation. The aparents know his name....wait a second they did meet the day of my daughters funeral, amom came to support me and she talked with him to let him know that she was taken care of.