Well, i'm a single mom of a 2 yr old boy i am 20 yrs old and found out i am pregnant again. I used protection but i guess that wasnt enough. I just dont know what to do. i love my son to death and love this new unborn baby but i dont know if i can provide for him/her. i dont get child support i work and i am almost finished with college so i wil be making a little bit more money but i'm just so scared. I'm not they type that is for abortion so thats not even a possibilty. i just dont know if i can raise a second child i want to so bad but i just dont know if i can. My sons dad is in prison and wont be out until 2017. I got pregnant from my boyfriend and he says he wants to be there but i've heard that before. any advice is great advice thanks!
Hey Michelle,
How far along are you? Do you have any family or close friends nearby that would be able to help support you (emotionally/financially/child care)? There are quite a few programs out there to help single moms too. How is the pregnancy going? Your post was a few months ago...any updates? Wish you the best!!!
Just give it time. If you can provide for one child you can provide for two. Is there any family members like your Mom that can help with child care? I've heard that you can get money from the government that will pay for child care expenses. I'm fourty-three now and I gave up my first for adoption but kept my second and raised him. I wish now I would have kept all my children.
My first born is now 22 and does NOT want to meet me. You have to dot all your I's and cross all your T's with reunions. I can tell you this: NOTHING is going to be easy. But can you live with the fact that once you give that child up you have to turn and walk a way with the possibility of NEVER seeing that child again? You don't know what can happen. Many children die and you can't be guaranteed that child will WANT a reunion 20 years from now. Think long and hard about it before you choose adoption. Death is the only thing that compares to the pain of loosing a child. It is death.
Michelle, First Take a Deep Breath!
Now I want to tell you something that is very true. I know that many people right now especially are struggling with this economy and having to live as frugally as possible but the children are loved and do not know the difference.
Please do not make any decisions based on your finances thinking a coupel with more money can do a better job at parenting your baby because even Aparents lose jobs and suffer finacial hardship and divorce so there is no guarentee that you baby will always have 2 parents.
It sounds like you are very early into your pregnancy so you have time and even if you were further along there is no rush to make an adoption plan you can do that at any time even after baby is born.
It is obvious you are aiming to better your life with education and all, that is wonderful.
Many of my married friends who unexpectedly came up pregnant went through a period of questioning if they could parent another child so this is not so uncommon.
I usually do not reply to these type of posts in length but reading your post makes me feel like you really do wqant to parent but you just need someone to let you know that you can do it.
I am not anti adoption, in fact quite contrary, however parenting should always be a first choice.
Do you have family that could help? There are resources out there to help you with day care.
All I am saying is please do not rush to think adoption right away. I am sure you are frightened at the idea of two babies, that is normal. You sound like you have a good head on your sholders.
Before you rush to any plans please speak to an UNbiased counselor, NOT one from an agency. Adoption is a life long thing.
I wish you all the best and will be praying for you.
ETA, I hadn't seen the original date of this thread. OP please let us know how you are doing.
It is hard only for the first time you have a baby...but than you will understand that being a mother is the best what can happen with a woman...If you will be clever and patient the relationships with your baby will be wonderful
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