My new FD is staying with us through the fall now so and I called Glenns Valley and they only have 1/2 day K left! I won't find out until tomorrow if she is AM or PM but I have no family or neighbors that can pick her up. I am hoping some other FP's have ideas on what to do. What a mess with 5 days til school left! Do you think they will work with me since she is a foster child?
I was sweating this back on Nov, when DD moved in. It turned out, her daycare had a dedicate bus to transport the kids
Good luck!
My FS was PM..He went to daycare 8:30 and the school bus picked him up there at 11:30 and brought him home or back to daycare, depending on my schedule. It was paid for by the state. You should call the cw and see was is available in your state. Also, some of the schools have before and after school care, but, at least here, they are filled up pretty quick.
Thanks! she is downtown by more work at a church camp. They are nowhere near school so no luck there. Been looking around at all daycares but most have given up the busing to schools because there are so few kids in 1/2 day and it wasn't worth their time (per them). I called the school and asked for help - no word back from them yet...4 days til school!
Hi, not sure if this helps but I manage 3 state licensed day cares that offer transportation for a small weekly fee. You can pm me for the number and hopefully we have an opening somewhere in one of the homes. People have been piling in over the past two weeks for child care.
THAnKS, guys! I spoke with teacher yesterday as she had her intake assessment for Kindergarten. Teach loved her so much said she would take her in full day!! Yay for a great FD who charmed the teacher :-D