Ok so maybe I am nuts, but this thread has my radar up. I adopted from Poland and she says she got a refferal before her homestudy was done. If her homestudy is not done, then she also doesn't have her immigration paperwork done. Because the agencies don't do the refferals the people in Poland do, I have never heard of anyone (except me and that was a special case because my son was severely disabled) getting a refferal before thier paperwork was in. The homestudy and the immigration paperwork are the two most important papers you send over there. I have also never, ever heard of the Poles splitting siblings. To be honest, every single person I have heard of that tried to adopt from Poland gave up after waiting years. The idea that they would be offered a refferal before having their paperwork in, when there are couples of Polish extraction who have been waiting is not normal for how things are done in Poland. Applications from parents are not put in the order they are recieved. The order they go in is something like this. Poles living in poland on top, Poles living abroad (or people with Polish relatives) next, Catholic couples next, then other couple and then singles are at the bottom of the pile. Anyway, it just seems not possible. Even in my case, they were careful to tell me that it was not an official refferal until I had my immigration paperwork in. I already had a homestudy when I learned of my son's existance. That was the only reason they even talked to me about the possibility. That and he had a charity advocating for him that is made up of wealthy and influential Polish women.
Oops forgot the link