The title says it all.
We understand she is there to look out for best interest of children but feel she offers us no support or positive feed back.
We hired her, and have not got along since the first visit.Once the contract was sign it said no refunds.
She is easily distracted, forgets what she is saying and gets "lost" in our house every visit.
Once she tried to leave through our daughter's bedroom.
Our references have been mailed to her twice and yet she never received them? I understand that someone might have said they mailed it and didn't but one of the ones she didn't receive was from my sister and I dropped it in the mail box myself. Wouldn't they have been returned to sender if they didn't go to her?
Although an email was sent to me in the morning, I didn't read it until after 11 last night, she said she was coming today to do her home safe study.
I didn't even get a chance to email her back saying we had started a large kitchen reno the day before.
She complained about the mess and unsafe things in our home. Paint was out, tools etc.
The tool room door needs a dead bolt??? Not a problem but seems to be overkill.
We are confused, frustrated and not sure where to turn.
We have finished our PRIDE, finger prints, doctor's police clearances etc
With all of her negative comments we are sure she will not give us a favorable report for a home study.
We have been married for 25 yrs, have four birth children we are not first time parents and unsure what to expect of a child.
Any suggestions???