Okay, so a while back, when Momat41 was going through the failed match/placement and was experiencing all kinds of drama, I know some people had the same, "really?? That's TOO perfect" kind of reaction that we've had to "underwater."
But the story kept going and going, she got her placement, etc.
La ti da, beautiful story.
Well anyway, back then I got a couple PM's from people (Quantum being one) saying, "Things are going real smooth. Keep an eye out for something going catastrophically wrong in a few months."
And now of course there's MEGA drama with the unnamed bfather.
Anyway, I COMPLETELY realize that I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, and the odds are that she's just really experiencing this.....BUT.......
I thought it was interesting.
This job is making me paranoid!!!!! HAHA!!