I am researching OA and I wondered if anyone had opinions about keeping a blog to keep the birthmom updated? I already keep a blog for my biological dd to use as a digital scrapbook. It seems like it would be a way to keep a birthmom updated. I know the degree of openess is going to vary depending on what an individual birthmom wants, but I love my dd's blog.
I think your idea is very nice. It would be something private just for bmom/parents- right? I think its a nice option instead of letters even because you can update more often and they can see pictures as well. I say if you have the time and right openness in your adoption go for it!
We have a very open adoption. I keep a blog for my family and friends and the family and friends of the birth parents. It has been a wonderful way to share our little guys life not only with the birth mother but with the birth grandparents as well. The blog really helped break down some barriers. The birth fathers family really struggled with the idea of adoption. The blog has done wonders in changing their opinion. They can feel involved without being too involved. Our blog is private, I also have the comments set so that I have to approve them before they are posted. We haven't had any problems, it is just a precaution. One thing I add to my blog is video clips. I take mini videos of our little man laughing, talking, spitting up, rolling over, ect. The birth family especially the birth mother loves to watch them. She's able to watch him as he grows between visits. Our open adoption is just starting out. I hope that as the years go by I will be able to keep up with the blog. Good Luck!
I started a blog for my almost 10 month old DD last month. It's meant to be just for the first mom, and whomever else in her family she would want to share it with. I won't give access to my family or friends, as they all are FB friends and get all the latest updates anyway.
I sent my monthly update to the agency, and asked our SW if she thought the blog would be a good idea...haven't heard back yet. All contact, so far, between first mom and us is through the agency. Glad I started it though, so when first mom does get to see it, she will have lots of stuff to look through and read. :)
As a birthmom, I think having a passive way to communicate can be really great. There are definitely days where I wish I had an update, where I just want to know what's going on, if I could go on a blog and read things (especially if you keep it updated regularly) in my own time I think it would really help.
I have a pretty good open relationship with my son's aparents, but I would think a blog would also be good for birthmothers who aren't as comfortable with the openess, no matter how uncomfortable with contact a woman is, there will be days where she just wants to know what is going on in your lives. I know bparents who can't handle having to deal with emails from the aparents on certain days, so instead of being "confronted" with an update when the aparents write it, they could go to the blog on days where they are better able to deal with it.
Thanks for your input everyone and especially the birthparent perspective, Racilious.
If we do end up going forward in the adoption process, I do think I will enjoy keeping a blog. I know that I enjoy looking at my dd's blog and remembering what she looked like in the past months and years.