Does ADHD or speech and behavior related problems somehow related with lack of emotional attahment in the orphanage ?
I've learned that it may not be ADHD. Kids in an orphanage setting have many other issues that can present like ADHD. A few I've experiences are: PTSD, hypervigilience, and sensory processing issues. The hypervigilience and the sensory processing issues seem to have the biggest impact on our dd's ability to focus and stay on task. The first thing people jump to is ADHD, but when you dig into the reason why she is doing what she is doing it is because she either needs to make sure she is safe, or she isn't processing the stimuli information the way others do.
Behavior - yes - from what I have seen, they have to learn to be survivors, lie, steal, be "yes men" but do something else, etc. This is even at a young age. In addition, they aren't taught at the beginning about "right" and "wrong". In fact, what they have seen adults do could be making them think that "wrong" is okay.
Speech - Remember all of the baby development books that talk about how important that first year is to a baby? Having the parents coo, laugh, and marvel at the baby, talking to them, etc? Well - it is indeed very important. At least my dd didn't get this (and not because she was in an orphanage at the beginning). We have had to teach her how to look at someone's face to see whether they are happy or sad, she is learning a language at age 4 because she wasn't ever taught why communication is important, etc.
Then you have impact of all of the reasons they might be in the orphanage: alcohol, neglect, etc.