Hi all. I've been coming to for a long time now but this is the first time I've ventured into the forums section. Thought I should introduce myself.
I'm Nicole and DH is Chris. We've been trying to create a family of our own since January of 2006. We have unknown medical issues that are not allowing us to have bio kids so we have been on the road to adopt since July of 2009. We are trying to adopt through the foster care system. This journey is no easier than ttc with infertilty! Talk about serious rejection. :-/ We have not had one single match yet and it's been nearly a year on the list. I'm curious to know from others if this is normal?
We are looking all over the country. Looking for a child 0 to 8yrs, boy or girl, sibling set of up to 3 and if it's a sibling set, we'll consider up to 10 yrs old. We are accepting of behavior issues as well as sexual abuse histories.
On a side note, I'm glad to have found an adoption forum. :)