Hello! We are investigating different agencies and spoke with one yesterday who stated the child (specifically a girl) would not be coming home until around 18 months home. Is this the average age home for Korea adoptions? I thought that sounded like a high number but could be wrong.
With the agency I'm working with kids that are referred at six months old are coming home somewhere between 10 and 12 months old, approxiamtely. Now, the wait to referral for a girl is about 18 months. Maybe that's what they meant. Good luck! :)
I just had another the agency you talked to with Eastern in Korea. Eastern has major EP backlog and the wait to travel is quite long.
[url=]Journey to Forever[/url]
April--I am not sure. I don't know enough about Korea to answer your question. Are there two government bodies that adoptions go through?
There are four Korea agencies - Holt, Eastern, SWS, and KSS.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. =)