Is anyone in Pike county? My fiancee and I are just moving to Pike county. We are hoping to become foster parents ASAP. I have heard many counties in PA do not have many placements. Does Pike have many placements?
I am not in Pike County but am pretty close to it. If you are going thru the county, you might be ok. If you have a private agency, they are slow. I have my first placement after waiting for 11 months.
There is a website call the Porchlight Project that is a good site for statistics for all Pennsylvania counties regarding foster care. Number of children entering Foster Care by county. Age breakdown. Race and ethincity statistics. Placement and reunification stats, etc. For Pike County the link is
Is anyone in Pike county? My fiancee and I are just moving to Pike county. We are hoping to become foster parents ASAP. I have heard many counties in PA do not have many placements. Does Pike have many placements?
I live in Pike County and I use Friendship House for Foster Care they are located in Scranton PA. I called Children & Youth for Pike County but no one ever called me back...good luck
My case worker (who is private) said that fewer kids are coming into the foster system and staying less time due to the new laws requiring PA to look at the extended (in some cases very remote) family. The requirements are different so its a bit "easier" to keep them with family. But I still see kids coming in but more minorities. We are in Luzerne, a sister county.
We are actually in Northampton county, close to Monroe. Due to some personal connections, we are using an agency in Scranton, though not the same one Garvinsha is using). We have had a few opportunities and as you'll see in my sig, have been licensed <2 months. We think our distance from there has been a challenge in some cases, but at this point we're sticking with them.
Though I don't have experience with any of them, I believe there are a few agencies located in Stroudsburg which may work for you as well, if you don't want to go with the county.