I wonder if she'll even want to find me?
I was 16 when she was born, and didn't do the whole letter writing thing like I should have. I was in touch sporadically until she was ten, then I was told that a letter had upset her. I haven't been in touch since.
I'm trying to make sure that she can easily get my contact info when the time comes, if she wants it.
What more can I do? I have lost touch with the birth mother, who I think has an address and phone number. The adoption agency is being difficult about things, as they have "re-organized" and apparently the records from '93 are in some shed somewhere. Otherwise I'd ask them to forward a communication, but they have to have the record stating it's an open adoption before even taking a communication.
Is there anything to do but sit back and hope she'll contact me? I agonize about whether she will or not. I try to cover it up, though, as I have a wife and 7 other beautiful children.
Just thinking about this brings tears to my eyes. What if she wants no part of me, you know? I mean, I couldn't blame her, based on my contact with her and all. Maybe it's foolish to hope. I still do. I suppose I'm just foolish.
It's hard to say whether she will seek or not. Some adoptees do as soon as they can, others never look. Remember that at 18 a girl has lots of "stuff" going on in her life as she starts the next phase of her life. I would recommend that you leave contact information on as many adoption search regisries as you can. (The one can be reached by clicking on the reunite botton on the toolbar at the top of this page.)I found my bson when he was 32 because he had registered.