I edited it to remove "Scorned & Jaded" birthmoms and also moved it from the "Considering your Options" forum to the "General Issues".
I suspect she'll be in tachy by the end of the day if her tone increases. I'm doing ip search too as she sounds like that jerk we had a few weeks ago.
Interesting...Her ip matches to Fe2002. The ip is from, which is NBC Universal. Since it is a company, it's possible to not be her and it's a different person. Certainly possible since another member also posts from this ip addy "adriennemarie" and she also has posts from comcast in PA, which is where I assume she lives.However, I do find it really interesting that Wanna posts at 7:22, I respond at 7:37 and Fe2002 logs in at 7:41. So if not the same person, it seems highly likely Fe knows this person.I also find it interesting that it's a broadcasting company where gosh...shows are formatted and her profile says "research".I'm going to let it play out just a bit because if Fe has anything untoward to do with this etc., she's going to be banned.
Her profile says she joined for "research" and since members can't really access this information right now due to our broken search issues, I felt it necessary to add to my response to her. There are also 7 guests viewing that thread right now....I don't like b.s. and liars, kwim? I just cannot tolerate that type of person.
Well, no one else has gone for it yet. I just can't stand the attitude of "please, this is an honest question, I don't mean any offense" and then just asks all these questions like she has NO idea that they're hot button issues. Even the most green member would have to know that onslaught of, like you said, loaded questions (cause it's not like it was just one or two!) isn't going to go over particularly well.And I can't stand it ESPECIALLY if that person is a lying liar who lies that is NOT green and knows what's up.
Huh, guess I'm wrong and they are just posting from the same company. Both Fe2002 & Wannaknowmore are on at the same time. Here's what's odd. Wanna posted on a thread I'm subscribed to so I have it on email, but then when I clicked on the link for it, she edited all out except to say "good luck". The tone of this email is so much different? I'm still suspicious...just not sure of what now."I am so glad you are feeling hopeful!! Do you feel comfy sharing the type of disabilty your son has? I am betting there are some people here who may have suggestions/reccomendations etc. I know in the adoptive community there are lots of experts regarding special needs adoptions- so you may get some really useful info. Just a suggesiton. Just keep reminding yourself that how it is right now is just that-- NOW. Your son won't always be 6, and hopefully he will get better. And the baby won't always be a baby. One day you son will be 12 and the baby will be 6. Remind yourself of that. I can't stress enough that if you *do* want to keep the adoption option open that there is no rush. Our agency has responded to hospitals about an hour after the birth and almost any adoptive family I know would say yes at the drop of the hat as long as the situation was right. We pretty much know that "the call" could come at any time. I remember having diapers, formula and both gendered clothes washed and ready to go. LOLWe adoptive parents are prepared for a 3am "the call!" You also don't have to make any decisions when the baby is born either. You can make a placement at any time. We adopted our son when he was 11 months. His bmom tried very hard to parent and decided she wanted a different life for him. It was heart-breaking for her to place after parenting for that long, but she also knows she gave it a try and tried her hardest. So I can't stress enough that there really is no rush. Try to just work with your son and focus your energy on that. That's enough for right now. ;)That said if it makes you feel better to have "backup plan" maybe call or look at an agencys website to get some info. Just be honest and tell them what your plan is. A good agency won't pressure you, they will help you.I know some birthmoms may flame me for saying that because there ARE some pushy agency out there, but not all of them are. Ours was nothing like that. My son's birthmom went to the agency when he was 8 months old. The agency actually didn't think it would be a placement for several months despite her wishes for an adoption. They worked very hard to get her resources to help her parent. They went above and beyond. They didn't even show her family profiles for several months until they were sure this is what she REALLY wanted. I remember her texting me before we actually adopted him and she was soooo mad that things were taking so long with the processs. Good luck to you!!!!"
Huh, guess I'm wrong and they are just posting from the same company. Both Fe2002 & Wannaknowmore are on at the same time