I know another foster parent that had a couple of placements placed shortly after birth. They are not related. The older of the two, now has a new sibling. This foster parent was forced to take the newborn, even though she said she wasn't sure she could handle yet another child right now. (DCS put the pressure on, so she agreed to a trial placement.) After 3 weeks, she called them and said she can't do it... she's able to feed, dress and care for their physical needs, but isn't able to spend the time nurturing like she wishes she could. She requested the newest one be moved. Even if that meant moving the siblings together to a new home. DCS got ticked off and moved the unrelated baby the next day. They plan to move the siblings about an hour and a half away, but they're taking their time doing that. This foster family is not planning to take any more placements. Their hearts are broken. The non-related child is probably going to be TPR this summer and they were hoping to adopt. My question is...Is it legal to penalize a foster parent for refusing a placement? It has caused trauma to a very young child to be moved suddenly for no reason. This family has a sterling reputation and I don't know of any mom who is better with kids, than she is! What can we do, as foster parents, if we are forced to accept more than we can handle? If one of our placements isn't working out and we need to disrupt, should we have to fear DCS yanking all the foster kids out of our home? What are your thoughts?
I heard about your friends situation thru some other friends as well! I cannot believe they did that to her!! Was it the agency or DCS that got pissy (for lack of a better word) and instigated the move? Is she trying to fight it at all? I cannot believe that they moved the unrelated one & with no notice. I can see them moving the siblings and not seperating them like she requested but WHY move the unrelated other than to "teach her a lesson".. How very sad!! I did not realize she had hoped to adopt the one :( Makes it even harder.. She's in my thoughts!
Here in WA many things happen that don't make sense, including things that are *clearly* vindictive, and forcing people to take placements they don't want. Also removals that make zero sense, the worst I know if is a couple who had one little girl for 4 years, their only placement, and thought they were finally going to be able to adopt her. She was 8 when moved. 50% of our foster parents quit every year, because of things like this.If you'll pardon my saying so, with all the people lined up praying and hoping for newborns, what is the point to pressure someone who doesn't want one into taking one? Make sense of that for me.From my experience, my best guess is to be true to one's instinct on the first call, and not be pressured into taking the placement in the first place. "Under other circumstances I would love to, but at this time..." Think that's safer than saying yes and then asking for the child to be removed. They would see that as "more work", taking the infant to two homes. I think that when federal subsidies are paid to reimburse agencies, the rate is higher if the child is placed with a relative....
I agree completely! Why force a placement on someone when there are other homes that are waiting for an itty bitty? I realize they want to keep siblings together & that is always best- I always fight for it.. BUT if it wont work , why couldn't they have placed the newborn close by and done sibling visits ect?? Such a messed up situation!
If I were this couple and really want to keep the other placement, I would give to hiring a lawyer and letting the agency know they were serious about keeping her and getting the courts involved. I would imagine having a lawyer would let the agency worker(s) know that they just can't do something to hurt someone just because it didn't go their way!
oh the dreaded lack of info they hope we dont gain... i am so sorry for your friends steph... PLEASE PLEASE let them know they do have rights !!! unless they have abuse allegations pending, there was not just cause. both fp and fc have rights and i am attaching the rights and the process... please contact me if u need a great attny !!!
[url=]Indiana Foster Family Resource Guide -[/url]
they need to request a fair hearing asap ! this should be handled with dcs supers that are NOT related to the case at hand !!! all areas must be heard and considered, and prayerfully the child was in home for 6 mo or more... makes a great case on bonding ! also see [url=]A Year Is a Long Time in the Life of a Child | Adoption in Child Time[/url]