Hello everyone!
I am very new to this whole adoption idea. We just decided to go to the next step of adoption. After many failed fertility procedures, I have finally admitted to myself this was not going to work. DH was there before I was but I needed to learn to accept the failures first.
In any case, here we are. I joined this site to make friends in our same situation, seek advice and perhaps a shoulder. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone!
I am very new to this whole adoption idea. We just decided to go to the next step of adoption. After many failed fertility procedures, I have finally admitted to myself this was not going to work. DH was there before I was but I needed to learn to accept the failures first.
In any case, here we are. I joined this site to make friends in our same situation, seek advice and perhaps a shoulder. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, and welcome to the forums! I'm in Alberta, and a Mom through adoption. Both our kids came to us through a private agency placement at birth. They are 7 and almost 5. We also were foster/adopt ready during both our waits but weren't ever placed because placement came from elsewhere. So we've been a part of both systems. You'll find that these forums are excellent for support and information, but because you're in Canada, alot of the situations may not apply to you as closely, especially about the process. There used to be a fairly large group here from Alberta, but I'm pretty spotty right now on being able to be here.
It is a big step to move to adoption. I'm glad to hear that you've done the work of dealing with the emotions related to infertility. That is a huge step in embracing the differences between building your family through biology or adoption.
Feel free to ask questions either here or through private message. We used a private agency and highly recommend them, although as in most adoption in Canada, the wait times are quite long now on average.
Best of everything... I encourage you to spend some time reading on the site. The perspectives of those adoption involved on all sides is extremely valuable.