There is a possibility that we could adopt a native american 8 month yr. old boy. I guess it depends first on if our heritage is enough for the agency to consider us. Second, would be all the hoops to jump, the same as what everyone else generally goes through for an adoption.
This is our first time to be potentially matched with a little one that we feel could be the one to join our family. I'm exited, nervous yet don't want to get too exited. I'm wanting to trust the Lord in this. It's interesting because this child is pulling on my heart and I don't even know him yet. I don't want to look to much into that but ohhhhh, it's tough. Anyways, prayers are welcomed. I do want the child that the Lord has for us, just wish issues were a bit simpler at times!!!
Thanks for the encouragement. Right now I think I'm just going to get the paper work done and let it go...meaning give it to the Lord. I'm not going to look at this as a serious possibility until something comes of it. We would need to still get approval by the tribe and who knows what other extra hoops.
Appreciate the support. Hope your having a good evening.
Your attitude is the same that I've learned to take with the different situations that were presented to us. I just did my part and tried to give it to God and know that the right child would become ours. We're now matched and waiting for the baby to be born, but I'm still taking the same attitude. If this baby is meant to be ours he will, but if not, we will have another one come our way.
Good to know I'm not the only one taking that stance, believe the Lord is in control and that we will have the baby God has meant for us, in His timing.
I wish you the best regarding the baby you are matched with. Let me know how things are going. It's nice to connect with people who think similar.
:) We also had this attitude with our adoptions. We adopted children from foster care and there were lots of ups and downs, including not being matched and then having to wait and wonder all over again for the next situation. When we were finally matched the first time I remember waiting to get excited because I wanted to be sure we were REALLY going to have that child come home with us. (We did.)