My son is 2 and it crazy. lol He has been really aggressive lately and I'm not sure why. We limit TV, he is not in daycare or anything like that but he is so mean to his brother. They are only 18 months apart so maybe that has something to do with it but idk. He pulls hair, bites, throws things and Hits. Any ideas to help discourage this behavior. Is he just a boy and I'm over reacting?
Hi, I had a crazy 2 year old too. Here's what I've learned. Sometimes kids are just kids...and sometimes it's something else. In my opinion one of the best books for parenting little ones is Becky Bailey's "Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline" It's a great approach with a neurotypical kid, as well as one's who aren't. Another one of my favorites is "Raising your spirited child." It will give you great ideas for helping your ds manage himself. While I am a huge fan of both authors approaches, for my dd, it wasn't enough. When my dd was almost 4 I finally had her assessed and discovered she had sensory processing disorder...that explained SO much. if you aren't familiar with it, you can do a quick search and get great info. For a kid with SPD, hitting etc can be ways to get sensory input and feel better, plus, they can just feel bad enough that they are cranky. At almost five, having learned lots about what helps SPD kids, I took my dd off dairy...oh, if only I had known!! She went from near daily aggression and melt downs and a virtual inability to sit still to sitting still and addressing valentine's cards...within a week! Our daily fight over getting dressed just went away. Poor thing, I had no idea I was giving her something that made her feel so bad and that was causing her to be crazy (and she LOVED all milk products) If you think your son is MORE, he may very well be. I remember almost being in tears when I would talk about my daughter's fits (they were never tantrums) or how much she moved, and someone would say " of course, all toddlers are like that..." I had been around enough kids to know mine was so much MORE!! If it's only towards little brother, the first book I mentioned will have some great ideas for helping with the jealously. If it's more than that...let me know if I can direct you to any more resources. Susan
Parent attention is a big reward for children. If you 27m hits his brother, and you focus on the 27m child hitting, and you get more hitting. This is very common. Parents reprimand the aggressive child.One option is to focus on the hurt child. Simply pick up the hurt child, go to your room and lock the door. Take only 1-3 minutes, and then return, put the child down, and go about your business. An extinction burst happens when we stop getting a payoff we expect. The behavior (hitting) gets much worse for a short while because it does not get the payoff expected (your attention). You need to make sure that your 27m child gets lots of attention for playing nicely, playing alone, or anything that is appropriate. This will lessen the extinction burst. Remember that any behavior you focus on will probably increase. Put the focus on playing nicely, helping, sharing, leaving brother alone, etc.I do agree that you should test for diet problems if your son seems to be overly (and generally) aggressive. You can try stopping certain foods for a week at a time. My younger daughter had a problem with sugar. We took her off sugar and saw the difference in 2 days.Good luck.
Here is my answer, assuming you are a normal mom with normal children.
You are probably over-reacting, but not in the way you think. Parent attention and reaction is a big payoff for children. I assume that the 2-yr-old is the younger brother. Anyway, your reaction to his bad behavior is causing it to increase. He is getting a lot of attention for his bad behavior. Try doing the opposite.
Part 1: When he pulls hair, bites,or hits (these are all directed to his brother), quickly and calmly pick up the hurt child and go to another room. If you need to, go to the bathroom and lock the door. Comfort the hurt child for 1-3 minutes. 30-seconds may be enough. What you are really doing is ignoring (not rewarding with attention) your son's bad behavior. Then bring the hurt child back and go on with life.
BUT, you also need to do part 2...
Part 2: You need to get very happy (like this guy, :banana:) when your 2-yr-old does something you like such as being nice, kind, calm, compliant, etc. (:cheer: ). You need lots of energy for this part, and need to do it often (at least 5-10 times per hour).
Try this for 48 hours, and let us all know how it goes.
Tom Dozier, Parenting Coach and BCaBA
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My son is 2 and it crazy. lol He has been really aggressive lately and I'm not sure why. We limit TV, he is not in daycare or anything like that but he is so mean to his brother. They are only 18 months apart so maybe that has something to do with it but idk. He pulls hair, bites, throws things and Hits. Any ideas to help discourage this behavior. Is he just a boy and I'm over reacting?