Hi, I am getting ready to have my home study done and would like to know if there are any specific things I need to have done around the house for the home study.I have asked the sw and she said the basics of meds put up,no chipping paint,smoke det/fire ext.,but nothing other than that.I will be lic through DCS and am in marion county.Any help would be appreciated.I already have the beds etc.I will be lic for 0-3.Thank you
Really that is pretty much it. They will probably ask you about fire escape plans - they asked us, but we didn't have to show a plan.
With Marion the homestudy was more about personal history and parenting plan than the safety audit. They of course did a walk through, but the homefinder had already checked thoroughly to see if everything was up to snuff.
Oh, make sure cleaning supplies are in a secure cabinet or closet.
There is actually a form they use during the walkthrough that we were given as part of our application packet (We have our license out of Marion County). It was pretty basic (meds in locked cabinets, any firearms locked with ammo stored in a seperate locked container, fire alarms, working utlitilies, no chipped or peeling paint) We also had to show our cw the room(s) that would be used and the beds for the children. I can't think of anything else right now.....see if your cw can provide you with the blank copy of the form so you can use it as a checklist if you are concerned something might be missing, but it seems to me that if something wasn't up to par so to speak you would be given the opportunity to fix whatever it was.
Like Jenib said it was more about finding out about us as a family, our parenting styles, etc.
Hope this helps and good luck!