Thanks for you reply! It's really nice to know your feelings are shared by someone in a similar situation. So, it sounds like you have not searched yet? Did your non-idenitfying info affect the decision? I have not received my NI Info, but there were descriptions of my BParents with the paperwork my adoptive parents gave me. I know BDad was 22 and "single and carefree" - speaks for itself - and info about his height and weight. My B-Mom was 19 and wanted two parents for the baby. So, basically I know why I was given up, and have no hard feelings, but for the first time, I am curious if either think of me on my BDay, if I have siblings, etc. I received a letter back from LSS that said my BMom has not updated my file since adoption. She may not want communication. We'll see...will you look for the person behind the name?