I have 4 adopted from foster care kids, all older, and we visit regularly with their first mom and little siblings. We are often out in public. It does look confusing, I'm sure. Espec. with the different ethnicities. All the kids call me mom or mommy, and her ma, mommy, or mommy N. People often make comments about the kids when we are out and about, I'm sure appearing to be one big happy family... it's just there are 2 moms. So I figure people assume first mom and I are partners. Doesn't usually bother me.... but sometimes I wonder how to delicately answer when asked questions. Last week at a McDonald's, a worker was acting extremely sweet with the kids, we were celebrating 2 birthdays and the kids were all excited. She asked if we were all family, I hesitated, noticed my nearly 17 yr old looking at me as though she did not want me saying the truth. I just said, "yes, we're family", and left it at that. That worked that time, and probably will other times. But there might just be sometimes when I do actually want to talk to someone and acknowledge our open adoption, without any negative comments about first mom. I do sometimes get asked questions about it when the first mom is NOT with us, and the kids don't mind me saying some of them are adopted. It's either that, or I slept with several different ethnicities and had babies with them!! LOL. My teen daughter is just going through a period where she feels protective of her first mom, and I understand that. SOMETIMES, I just wanna be able to say "we have an open adoption". If any of you have been in my kids' shoes, or can imagine if you didn't have an open adoption, what would YOU want me to say??? Should I NEVER confess we're a big family through open adoption if first mom is present??
Perhaps you could simply say that you're extended family, but not expand on exactly how that family is shaped? That would acknowledge the relationships without providing info that would be hurtful for some of the kids, and not put 1st mom in an awkward position.
Talk about it with your kids. If they don't want the server at McDonald's knowing, I think that's within their right. Ask for their input if they feel differently when their first mom is with them vs when she is not.
If a stranger is being annoying, I typically will say "Why, yes, my children ARE twins" (they are different colors), smile, and leave it at that.
But, if someone seems genuinely interested, I share that we are an adoptive family. Sometimes people are just curious, and/or want to connect with another adoptive family because they've adopted, or they are an adoptee, or they're interested in adoption, etc. And some people are just being nosey because they are assuming the worst (that you were very busy with many different men, lol!)
I've found that when I share that my children are adopted from foster care, I DO get many negative comments about their bios. People automatically assume bios are criminals. I hate it.