Hi! I'm new to this site and was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm going to apologize in advance for the long post here so here goes. My husband and I were married over 15 yrs ago. We divorced and both remarried. His 2nd wife had a 16mo daughter and was 8 mths preggo with a son. They had my hubbys name put on the bc as she didnt know who the bdad was. While my hubby was in Iraq she concieved another son who she once again stated that she doesnt know who the bdad is and again my hubbys name was placed on the bc. In Aug 2010 their divorce was final and my husband was awarded sole custody of all 3 children with her only having supervised visits. This was due to their first hearing. She showed up at court, stated to the judge that she did not want to have to deal with the kids anymore, and then walking out. We remarried and I have been raising the children with him since. We have had very rare contact with their mother and she refuses to pay any child support. She also refuses to even speak to the children and has since October 2010. The AG filed for a hearing regarding the cs and she was served 2 wks ago. After she was notified that we have a hearing regarding the cs, she called us and faxed us a "Relinquishment of Parental Rights". I WOULD like to adopt the children and the two oldest (9 and 10) have asked me to adopt them, however, we go to court over the cs in 2 weeks. I don't understand why she would rather give up her rights than pay cs and I don't know what to expect.
Can anyone please give me some advice on this situation? Has anyone else run into anything like this? I am unsure of what we should do from here.